Sunday, 23 May 2010

Poetry Pillow

Friday, May 7th saw Manchester's “Poetry Pillow”- an open-mic night at An Outlet, a cafe deli on Dale St. in the Northern Quarter. Compares Dominic Berry and Steve O' Connor (both wearing pyjamas including Spiderman boxers) explained the running of events: each poet has three minutes to perform their poem. After all the poets (around seven in total) have read their poems, Dominic and Steve will run through the names (one each alternately, a good quirky touch) to remind us all- then we cast our vote on the best poem of the night.

Many people had typed up their poems ready for reading out- certainly a technique I'd use if I was performing- although some poets had memorised their pieces.

Hats off to winner Oz- her poem about her nose was light-hearted and well received. Dominic held open the “Pillow of Wonder”, from which Oz was awarded a wind-up minature space hopper and a DVD.

The next Poetry Pillow will be Friday, 4th June, 7:30, at the same venue.

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