Saturday, 14 March 2020

Try Echinacea Tablets for Flu and Anxiety Prevention


I've recently got over a cold (no, it wasn't COVID-19, before you speculate) and I plan on staying over it. I'm also, as per, battling anxiety.

I've recently acquired of a pot of echinacea tablets, a herbal remedy from the purple coneflower, which grows in North America and Europe. Among its many benefits: it fights flu, and it helps manage anxiety. I'm taking these at night alongside 15mg of antidepressant Mirtazapine. I've had this routine for a few days.

With all the hand-washing and self-isolating going on (I don't want to be flippant but this is ruining my social life) I may not get the opportunities to challenge my anxiety. But I'm out tonight in the Northern Quarter, where things have gone well before, so who knows. I'll let you know next week.

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