Thursday, 28 May 2020

Cummings 'n' Juice


With so much drama on the BBC it's hard trying to be Mr Matt Tuckey, but I-
Some how, some way- keep coming up with humorous tweets like every single day.
May-I- suggest a little mix-up to the part-y,
and make a few suggestions as I breeze through
4 in the aft 'cause Cummings ain't home, press in the garden til 6 in the morn
So what you wanna do? Sheeit.
There's a pack full of journos and they want answers too.
So turn down the lights and pull down the portcullis
An essential journey with a child, you know this

Rollin down M6 with your COVID
Stoppin' at petrol stations
Your mind on Barnard Castle, Barnard Castle on your mind

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