Saturday, 29 August 2020

Cambridge University are Looking for Brain Injury Patients

I've made no secret of my memory difficulties on this blog- in fact, I've been open in the hope that my experiences of brain injury, memory and mental health issues might help other patients, or even doctors who are making new developments in related fields.

Hence, when I saw the above tweet I dropped an email to Andrea Kusec at the University of Cambridge. I wanted to be part of their project, MAPLES (that's Mood, Activity Participation, and Leisure Engagement Satisfaction). We had a phone call where I answered a questionnaire, and I'm expecting a follow-up call on Thursday where I'll answer a few more questions about my condition. I understand some webcam usage is involved as well, between myself and the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, once a week for 8 weeks.

I expect they will still be looking for contributors, so if you had a brain injury more than 3 months ago, that's you!

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