Saturday, 5 September 2020

Helping a Cambridge Student with a Psychology Project

I mentioned last week about the MAPLES (Mood, Activity Participation and Leisure Engagement Satisfaction) project that I've volunteered for. A Cambridge University research team are looking for brain injury patients to participate in a project around how head injuries (like mine, sustained at birth, but for the project can be acquired at any time) affect the individual's ability to participate in activities, and their mood and wellbeing throughout.

I've had a couple of phone calls and a video call with Andrea Kusec who is performing the study, and she's explained the project. I can't go into detail, but I'll be involved in some group work once a week over the next few weeks, via webcam, and all factors- including sleep, memory, anxieties, mood and restrictions brought on by COVID-19, will all be taken into account. I've already answered further questionnaires on mood and activity levels

I'm always keen to help out with any psychology project, as anyone with the kind of memory difficulties I face has their work cut out anyway. Any development that I can be a part of, that allows people like myself- dealing with the aftermath of a head injury- to overcome problems, I'll commit to.

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