Monday, 29 November 2021

Santa Dash, Andy’s Man Club Night Out

December and January may be quiet months traditionally, but there’s still a handful in the calendar. 

Saturday sees the return of the annual Saddleworth Santa Dash, a 5K run through the villages of Saddleworth. Expect 500-or-so Santas involved in this. It’s a mere 15 quid and includes a suit, number and medal! 

Manchester Andy’s Man Club are still meeting Mondays in 86 Princess Street. We’re bunch of blokes getting things of our chests, with the ultimate aim of reducing the suicide rate in the UK (this being currently the leading cause of death in men under 45). This Saturday, though, we’re off out for food. It was my plan to upload this before work today and encourage you to come to the group tonight, to find out more… but predictably, I did not get out of bed early enough. Nor remember to do so. Another good session though. 

 On the blog: more traded beermats, and more mats from The Prairie Schooner.

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