Saturday, 19 February 2022

Smoothie Diet Review

Last Saturday I began a 14-day smoothie diet, using a guide from Your Healthy World. (It was actually from a colleague.) I’ve been meaning to do this for about a year. It promises I’ll lose 7kg of fat. I wasn’t so sure, but figured, ‘after’ the pandemic, I’d give it a shot. 

Last week, I could put it off no longer. The guide mostly asks for fruit, with ‘handfuls’ of kale and spinach added in. Seems a bit fruit-heavy to me, but I gave it a shot anyway. I added more kale and spinach than it asked for, because if I didn’t, it would go off. As a result, there was no room in my 2.5 litre blender for the rest of the fruit. Much of this, including the leafy veg, passed their sell-by date before I could blend it. 

It also meant that, before long, the smoothies were all fruit-based. I guess I could have blended all the kale and spinach first, separately, then sealed and refrigerated it, then added it when needed to other smoothies. 


I started the diet at 83-83.4kg. The guide allows for nuts and raisins as snacks- I found I could munch through entire packets during the day, particularly in work or if I was out anywhere. At home, it wasn’t so bad. Generally, the smoothies kept me pretty full. But the sugar destroyed my sleep, and left me drained. 

I caved in Wednesday lunch time and got pie, chips and beans from my local butty shop. I was 82.1kg that night. I did add one more to my bicep chinup record, but it wasn't worth the effort for a minimal amount of weight loss.

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