Matt Tuckey is a writer from Oldham, England. He covers celebrities, night life, Manchester, fitness, creative writing, social media, psychology and events. Some of this may, in some way, help others. Or maybe it'll just entertain you for a while.
into new club Toybox on Deansgate last
night, the latest competitor in the 'upmarket' Manchester nightlife
scene. Manchester Cool Bars
met in Australasia, over the road
from the club, and headed to the door before midnight.
club lets people in 2 at a time, presumably to keep a queue outside,
making it look popular. I'd got guestlist for my group, but they
still charged me £15 on the door. 2 of my female friends were
charged £10, though. Whether those are the official prices for men
and women respectively or whether the people on the door just didn't
know what they were doing wasn't clear. It's a lot considering what
their competitors charge: Panacea is
free in on guestlist and LIV is £10
regardless of gender. The girl on the door was making a big deal of
the ratio of guys to girls in my group. It all felt a bit pretentious
and unnecessary.
the club wasn't particularly smart, especially seeing as the club
only opened a few weeks ago. None of the staff knew the WiFi
password, there was no-one manning the cloakroom meaning we had to
get the doorman (twice) to find someone to take our coats, which cost
£2 each, and the service on the bar was slow as shit.
touted as the new celeb club, but the only person I recognised was
Adam J from Love Island
Season 2.
I apparently gave my number to someone called Lily (this rings no
bells at all) who just called me from a withheld number saying I'd
met her in Toy Box and I told her I'd take her to Nandos (I would
never say this).
Doesn’t sound like a
prank.. sounds like a great tekkers from the girl! #NandosOnMatt
lot of us in the group are turning our backs on the clubs in
Manchester, in favour of smaller bars in the Northern Quarter,
Spinningfields and First Street.Join the group if this sounds more your thing.
spent the last month working on psychology- looking into confidence
building, combatting memory difficulties, and challenging myself to
difficult processes.
the month I've bought a new car, cooked a few recipes and rolled into
a few social events on my own, pushing myself to talk to strangers.
I've spent time in NHS therapy looking at ways of relaxing in social
situations, learning to stop worrying about what other people think,
and making better decisions. The therapist says there's not much more
she can do, I've overcome that much. I have one more session to
made the decision to switch meds- Sertraline wasn't doing much for
me, so I started on Citalopram this week. It's too early to say how
it's affecting me.
spent a long time at the gym but have beaten no personal bests. My
weight has stayed largely the same, too.
said, I have made suggestions in some social groups for
confidence-building challenges, and at least one organiser is
planning to put together an event for this. I might be writing about
it next Saturday. Plus I have one other #psychologysaturday blog post
to upload.
hoping that these Saturday posts will help others in some way- either
with depression, memory or confidence issues. With certain plans in
place, there'll be content to offer, so hopefully they will over the
coming weeks.
4 Squadrons out on the line were routing to Germany, Malta, Egypt and
the Near East until the Berlin Airlift started in July
1948. Obviously, First Line personnel went immediately with their
Squadrons to RAF Lubeck and
because it was thought that the 'Blockade' would be over within a few
weeks it resulted in 2 Flight Sargent's wives, after 3 weeks of their
husbands being away, marching into the Station Commander's office
demanding to know when their husbands were coming home. A Corporal
Policeman escorted them back to their married quarters promptly.
in February '49, though in 2nd
Line, it was my turn to go. Arriving at RAF Lubeck I was posted into
Technical Control.
3 8-hour shifts, 3
SNCOs a shift,
8-5pm, 5-midnight, Midnight-8, day in, day out. In front of us was
the Serviceability Board covering the whole wall with all the data of
52 Dakotas. Each
week 3 or 4 aircraft returned to the UK for inspections with
replacements coming out with another batch of 'hours to go.'
also brought back dozens of completely made-up wheels at reduced
pressure, a source of smuggling coffee which was so lucrative to
those working the black market, between the inner tubes and the outer
liaised with Operations next door in the number of beacon times
available every hour and informed the Line flights of their aircraft,
already declared serviceable, that were on the next wave. We never
had more than 5 aircraft and always at the end of the hour. The big
aircraft were obviously being used first with their greater
load-carrying capacity. Still, we did our bit.
also had our own small telephone exchange which had direct access to
the four flights A, B, C and D,
Deicer Trolleys, Tyre Bay, Stores, Movements etc., (for priority such
as acid). There was also a Daily Engineering Officer who had a
sleeping duty at night in the room next door.
I was there an Operation order was issued to change the resident
Berlin Garrison. The replacement unit was the Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
the morning, prior to my commencing my shift at midday, I wandered
over to the Flights to watch the Welsh Guards
emplane for
4 aircraft were ready, starboard engines running, entrance doors open
awaiting the passengers.
coaches arrived and the passengers lined up: troops, families and the
Regimental Mascot, the Goat.
The Air Movements Officer read out the passenger manifest.
Sergeant Major and Mrs Taff? Get aboard Quickly please.”
Sergeant Major responded with “Come on dear, quickly does it.”
moved towards the small Dakota steps and stopped with one foot on the
bottom step. The fuselage was vibrating with the starboard engine
running so close to her, and she was obviously scared. Exhaust all
around. “I can't, I can't.”
on dear, quickly.”
can't, I can't.”
Corporal, put her in.”
big corporals with hands on her broad backside pushed her with some
force up the steps into the aircraft. They had to overcome her strong
arms braced against the fuselage, either side of the aircraft door.
And she was certainly a big strong woman. Finally, she was in,
together with the goat and the embarrassed Sergeant Major plus
4 aircraft taxied away. The whole operation covered quite a number of
days moving the Regiment and families.
day I enquired of the loaders what they had on board.
whole aircraft was filled with condoms. What a state some of the
aircraft were in underneath the actual floor, though carrying coal.
night shift, about 2 in the morning, suddenly our small telephone
exchange direct to the flights went 'dead.' Rushing into Ops next
door I found that they were also 'out.' Main phones too. I quickly
awoke the Eng. Officer next door and we both jumped into one of the
very first VW and charged off through the trees to the telephone
exchange a few hundred yards away. It was not far from the Russian
border, and partly semi-underground. We walked quickly and quietly
around the building which was in darkness except for the room which
contained the switchboard. Through the window we saw the young
operator asleep in front of the board, which now looked like
Blackpool illuminations. He was asleep in a lovely big armchair.
Traversing the building we found a window open in another room and
the Eng. Off. Pushed it open and jumped down into the darkness. He
landed on the stomach of the Duty German Technician who jumped up out
of bed shouting, “Kamarad Kamarad” hands in the air. (Could mean
'friend' or 'comrade' in Czech
and 'fellow combatant' in German.)
He was signalled to be quiet and we crept quietly around the corridor
to enter the exchange. The Eng. Officer picked up a broom handle and
smashed it down on the table top 4 or 5 times in the same number of
seconds. What a din!
lad woke up in a fright.
are asleep, you're asleep.”
I'm not, sir, no I'm not!” said the airman, his hands moving like
lightning across the board, pulling plugs, pushing plugs, until
things were back to normal.
was charged, but from then on I understand the exchange was manned by
2 operators an the big armchair removed. This sort of incident could
have resulted in a very serious incident. Even Air Traffic was
temporarily out.
at Lubeck a young
WAAF was
awoken one night by someone trying to get into her bed. A young
German chap. She screamed and he was arrested. When the whole story
was known it turned out that the WAAF, who previously owned the bed
and was having an affair with the young German, on reporting sick she
was found to be pregnant and within a day or so was on her way home.
She hadn't got time to tell her lover. He turned up, the usual way,
through the roof and ceiling trap door, but had a shock to find a
different girl.
finished reading Striptease by Carl Hiaasen last week. I picked it up in
Oxfam years ago, and dived into it recently mainly because it was the
smallest book in my to-read pile. I remember the movie being
terrible, but the studios must have had some faith in it originally,
so I gave it a shot.
Grant, fired from her legal secretarial job, is working as a stripper
to make ends meet, all the while locked in a bitter custody battle
with her daughter's wheelchair-stealing hick father (her connection
to him the reason for her firing). During a particularly violent
night at her workplace (charmingly called The Eager Beaver), local
congressman and drunken liability David Dilbeck rolls in and makes an
embarrassment out of himself. Infatuated with Erin, he seeks her out,
but as he knows the judge in her case, she strings him along.
a well written book with convincing characters, although the cliché
of the antagonist being a drug addict and the implausibility of the
judge granting him custody didn't sit right with me. A lot of what
kept my attention was the author's observations of the characters,
their little nuances and backstories that made characters likeable
and three-dimensional- pretty much of which couldn't be transferred
to the screen.
bought the 1996 Demi Moore adaptation
while I was in 5th form (garnering somewhat of a
reputation having spent 15 bastard quid on it, which was a lot back
then). I returned to it having finished the book, to see what went
wrong- every cliché was slapped over the screen, every joke fell
flat, and the clunkiness of the source story stood out like a
bikini-clad mother in a courtroom. What a waste of fine actors like
Ving Rhames, Armand Assante and the late Burt Reynolds.
coming weekend has two events.
Manchester Depression and Bipolar Group
meet for drinks and talking on Friday night in Albert Square Chop
House. This is looking like being a weekly event for the group, where
we can meet like-minded people, swap advice and get something to eat.
night is a treat that I've organised. Manchester Cool Bars
are heading to Toybox, one of the newest
clubs in the city centre. Made to rival the likes of
Panacea and LIV,
Toybox is already popular with the Love Island
crowd and the like. We're starting in
night saw the launch of Soigne Cosmetics, a range of 'vegan makeup and cruelty-free brushes designed
to help each individual release their inner artist.' Held in
and organised by Go: PR and Events, the afternoon bash was
attended by Tina O'Brien (Sarah Platt in
Coronation Street; Bex Fisher in
Waterloo Road) Lucy Fallon (Bethany Platt in Coronation
Street) Dan Westwood (Ralph in Coronation Street) and Nikki Sanderson (Candice Stowe in
Coronation Street, Dawn Bellamy in Heartbeat and Maxine Minniver in
was somewhat outnumbered by the ladies, as you could imagine given
the product, but I wasn't complaining... and they were a friendly
crowd. I met some really nice people.
finally made myself cook a recipe, something I usually put off due to
hassle. On 3rd September, though, I decided to act on
difficulties make recipe cooking a bit of a challenge. First, I read
through the instructions to check I had all the necessary utensils.
Then I compiled a list on Omninotes of everything I'd need to buy.
The small Asda near me only had half the ingredients I needed, so
this took another trip to the big Tesco later on. For recipe cooking,
you're best off doing the whole shop in one trip by going to as large
a supermarket as possible.
find no matter how organised I try to be, I'll still make mistakes. A
store worker helped me find sesame seeds in Tesco, but when I started
cooking I for some reason believed I hadn't been able to find them,
so I didn't include them at all. I'm currently looking at an unopened
pack of sesame seeds.
tend to use dried spices from the small pots rather than fresh, as
I'll never use all the fresh produce before the sell-by date. This
might have affected the taste. And by that, I mean the chicken didn't
particularly taste of anything.
particularly like watermelon, so when I saw it was included in the
salad I had something to look forward to. The dressing included in
the salad, though, was so gross that even the watermelon tasted shit.
A recipe HAS to be bad to achieve that.
issue here but I really need to brush up on shorthand. I made these
notes yesterday and already I have no idea what I was trying to say.
I use it because there are always more notes to be written than time
allows- I'm trying to watch boiling pans and cut several foods at the
same time, whilst making notes.
particularly sticky, not particularly kicking. Took about an hour to
cook. I might try one of the other books next.
September 1947, on returning from 3 years in Egypt, I found myself
posted to RAF Manston in
Kent, a home posting for me as I lived in
Deal about 15 miles away. My
joy was soon dashed to find that within a few months of serving
Echelon No. 4077, to which I was posted and catered for the 2nd
Line Servicings of 4
Dakota Squadrons,
one of which was 30 Squadron, was soon to move to RAF Waterbeach.
stay at Waterbeach was reasonably uneventful, working every other
weekend in 2nd line, right through, desnagging the Base
Inspections being passed out from the hangar and delivering them to
the Squadrons during the weekend.
unusual occurrence happened on a Saturday morning when the Warrant
Officer Gobbels, I/c the hangar, said, “Your hockey is cancelled
this afternoon, Buck. Get your lunch quickly. You are flying to RAF Aldregrove
to change an elevator. Be back by 12 o'clock. I'll put an elevator in
the back of the aircraft you are going in.”
climbing into the Dakota, I saw the dirtiest elevator I'd ever seen.
It looked as if it had come off the dump. Half a dozen tears in the
fabric, but the Warrant had catered for my needs by supplying red
fabric, brushes, needles and thread. Instead of enjoying the trip
over I sat on the floor, stitching the damage for 2 and a half hours
or so to save time. What happened at Aldergrove was that the damaged
Dakota was there to bring back food, hooch and goodies, still in
short supply in England, for a big Officers' Mess Party. It was
loaded up and somebody had left the brakes off, on the grass, and it
had run backwards into the air traffic control wagon positioned at
the end of the runway and smashed into the port elevator trailing
taxied up to the Dakota, transferred the load and off it went. The
damaged aircraft was towed into dirty old black hangar across the
other side of the aerodrome. I was given a young airframe mechanic to
help and starting at 6 o'clock, we worked all night fitting the
elevator and carrying out fabric repairs. About 10 o'clock in the
morning after a short test flight we flew back to RAF Waterbeach. The
only things we saw in that hangar were about 500 crows sitting on the
girders of the roof, bombarding us all night. What a din, too!
night saw the launch of Off The Rails, a new
ladies' fashion boutique in the heart of Ramsbottom, Bury. Organised
by Go:PR, the evening saw a range of
celebs drop in to celebrate. The small but cosy Bolton St shop is the
brainchild of Sally Lee.
the blog: a celebrity-endorsed launch of a clothing shop. In the
city: 2 very different meetups, but for those it appeals to they'd be
both hugely worth your while.
Night: UK's Anthony Joshua
– current WBA 'super', IBF and WBO champion- takes on mandatory
challenger, the Russian Alexander Povetkin. He's a former champ
himself with a face like a wall, so he won't be a pushover for
Joshua. Manchester Cool Bars
will be watching this in Manchester's Genting Casino, the best place for fight fans.
Huge screens and an enthusiastic crowd. ID essential!
change: When in London I dropped into around 10 charity shops but
only made one purchase: the rather original presentation of William
Shakespeare's Macbeth, in graphic novel form. It's my favourite of
the Shakspeare plays, full of violence, backstabbing and insomnia- at
least one of which I've endured a lot of myself.
a lot within Shakespeare that, without an academic explaining it,
would go over your head. But having the story in comic layout allows
you to picture what unfolds, and even if the double meanings and
archaic terms have no glossary, you follow enough to take in the
narrative. Good work from Oval Projects Ltd.
as the sun went down behind The Shard, we stopped at The George Inn Courtyard,
to watch a unique take on William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's
Dream. Described as a 'musical take on Shakespeare, told by five
actors and all manner of instruments,' The Three Inch Fools provided a take on Shakespeare to top The Reduced Shakespeare Society. During the performance the quintet swiftly whipped
on jackets and hats, which were hung on hooks at the back of the set, to
indicate a character change. The roles were carefully divided up so
that, as far as I could tell, you never saw the same actor play two
parts who talked to each other.
Me new hat
maybe you did. I dunno. Shakespeare is confusing enough, but A
Midsummer Night's Dream is a particularly bizarre one, and when
actors are chopping and changing roles every few minutes, your best
bet is just to go along for the ride. In all fairness, they stayed in
character, changing at the appropriate moments, pretty well.
might also find them performing Hamlet. Well worth a look.
next day we got the underground to Highgate, and booked onto a tour
of the East Cemetary. A retired history teacher, head bursting with
memorised knowledge, took us around the most notable of graves,
including wealthy family plots, the first burial, and the resting
place of Robert F Goldhammer, the founder of Dunkin' Donuts.
tour guide described how a population explosion, and the subsequent
smell of Victorian dead bodies, meant that it was necessary to set
aside land for burial of all the dead. Highgate, some miles from the
city centre, was just the right distance for people to visit. The
wealthier of locals started to buy up land, choosing plots and
building family mausoleums for their dead.
large Egyptian-style monument was used for a Hammer horror movie set.
grave of murdered spy Alexander Litvinenko. The half tombstone
indicates a life cut short.
widow specifically asked for his resting place to be included in the
tour so he would be remembered. The tour, packed with fascinating
tales of London's history and tragic stories of bereavement,
contained way more than I can recall. I strongly recommend booking on
and letting the guide enlighten you.
the tour we used the official map to track down a few other
well-known graves, this time in the West Cemetery, which we were free
to roam around.
Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams
of Communism Karl Marx
Presenter Jeremy Beadle
may not be central, but after you've seen the main attractions right
next to the Thames, it's well worth jumping on the underground and
making your way out there.
up we dropped into nearby Portobello Road, on the way into Notting
Hill, home of many charity shops and, coincidentally, 1984 author
George Orwell. (Well, it was.)
famous door from the Notting Hill movie. I refrained from stripping
to my underwear and posing, ala Rhys Ifan's character. A bit
disappointed that I saw exactly no famous people, but in all fairness
I had been to Highgate Cemetery so I couldn't complain.
on we find the Tower Bridge area, and the tower of London. Tower
Bridge has a recently-installed glass floor, allowing you to look
straight down onto the surface of The Thames underneath. Tickets for
the tour get you into the entrance where videos will show you the
history of the building- its construction and renovation- and who
helped to build it, before taking you up a lift to the walkway area.
Prepare to go weak at the knees as you look down into the water and
up at the mirrored ceiling.
The ceiling
Authentic dodo skeleton, one presumes
Tower of London
The tide is high and I'm holding on
panoramic views of the city it's a must.
along, we find the financial district with The Cheese Grater, this
thing I'm going to call The Computer Speaker, a few projects under
construction and The Walkie Talkie Building, atop which you'll find
the Sky Garden Bar. We booked free
online in advance, went through security fairly quickly and rode up
in a high speed elevator to the huge observatory on the top floor.
Manchester's Cloud 23, serving time was
a little long, but it's worth it for the views and decor- looking
almost like the Australian Outback with it's array of plants and
full-blown trees. The view may be one-sided, but it's still broad and
hugely impressive.
pretty much marked the closing of the trip to London. We ended on a
high (if you'll excuse the pun). I still have a handful of other
ideas for future trips.