Saturday 22 September 2018

Sticky Kicking Chicken

I've finally made myself cook a recipe, something I usually put off due to hassle. On 3rd September, though, I decided to act on this.

Memory difficulties make recipe cooking a bit of a challenge. First, I read through the instructions to check I had all the necessary utensils. Then I compiled a list on Omninotes of everything I'd need to buy. The small Asda near me only had half the ingredients I needed, so this took another trip to the big Tesco later on. For recipe cooking, you're best off doing the whole shop in one trip by going to as large a supermarket as possible.

I find no matter how organised I try to be, I'll still make mistakes. A store worker helped me find sesame seeds in Tesco, but when I started cooking I for some reason believed I hadn't been able to find them, so I didn't include them at all. I'm currently looking at an unopened pack of sesame seeds.

I tend to use dried spices from the small pots rather than fresh, as I'll never use all the fresh produce before the sell-by date. This might have affected the taste. And by that, I mean the chicken didn't particularly taste of anything.

I particularly like watermelon, so when I saw it was included in the salad I had something to look forward to. The dressing included in the salad, though, was so gross that even the watermelon tasted shit. A recipe HAS to be bad to achieve that.

Side issue here but I really need to brush up on shorthand. I made these notes yesterday and already I have no idea what I was trying to say. I use it because there are always more notes to be written than time allows- I'm trying to watch boiling pans and cut several foods at the same time, whilst making notes.

Not particularly sticky, not particularly kicking. Took about an hour to cook. I might try one of the other books next.

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