Thursday, 9 September 2010

Would You Like to Write for Power is a State of Mind?

“There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.”
-George Shinn, owner of basketball team the Charlotte Hornets.

Are you a writer from Greater Manchester? Or do you write about events happening in and around the area? Would you like your work seen here?

I'm looking for writing featuring entertaining, informative pieces about the city. Maybe you've got an unusual story to tell. Maybe you know about an event that has happened, or will happen within 28 days. Maybe it's something you're putting on that you'd like to publicise. Maybe it's a festival or a demonstration, or you've raised money for charity by bunjee-jumping off a city-centre skyscraper. Maybe you've visited a new bar in town. Or maybe you don't go out because you drive a street-cleaning machine at 5am on a Sunday morning, and your perspective on the city is a little different. Have you found something in the city that's unusual, outrageous, fun or even dangerous? Why not tell us about it.

This isn't a call for fiction or poetry, although a modern, quirky, city-set poem would look good here.

“Why would you ask other people to write your blog for you, Matt?” I hear you ask. Well- I've been doing a little research. I've been following social media guru Denise Wakeman on Twitter ( as well as a few other blog advisors, and I've been reading their own blogs. They suggest that having guest writers is beneficial because it will widen the blog's reach and it will put a new spin on the voice of the blog. Also, it helps me because I can produce content- put stuff up here, in other words, without having to sit and hammer all the words out myself. I can be working on posts while putting up great material that you've sent me. On the flipside, there are benefits for you. It is proven that the more places your work appears, the more it will be seen. I'm prepared to include a link to your blog after your submission, so we both win. How does that sound?

Before you submit, read through the blog entries to get a feel of them. They are all pretty eclectic, in terms of content and style, but there's a certain twisted vein to them all. Can you see your work appearing here? If you think so, send it to me. That's right. To me. I'm a one-man-band. I'm not going to pretend I have a team of editors all bull-sessioning over your writing. This is a blog, not a magazine. It isn't listed in duotrope, isn't registered with the National Readership Survey or the Audit Bureau of Circulations, or any other searchable list. But I still reserve the right to edit your work if I accept, or to say no thanks. Just keep it well-written, relevant, quirky and under 1000 words. Get scribbling!

Send your piece to with the subject line “Power is a State of Mind Submission”. Give me a little bio as well, less than 100 words. I'd also need your name, or at least a nom de plume. I'm looking forward to reading your work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice to know there is still some Mind left in the common heart of English mindlessness...