Saturday 5 January 2019

No, I did not lose weight over Christmas

I mentioned here on the 22nd that I was going to attempt to get into shape with clean eating and no alcohol, coupled with a few home workouts watching a few Netflix shows.

I have no willpower, though, and couldn't avoid the selection boxes, or the free whisky. Despite doing some hand weights and even a handful of hill sprints, I still put weight on. I was at 82.6kg; earlier this week I was at 85.2, the heaviest I've ever been in my life.


More recently I was 82.9.

I think these rain-rotting, sleep destroying antidepressants I'm on are a big factor. I've ran out of them and I'm seeing the doctor in the middle of the month (the earliest I could). Citalopram might work for some people, but it sure as shit didn't work for me. I only moved onto it from Sertraline because I felt that was doing nothing positive for me. So, although I didn't so much binge on junk food, The healthy food didn't quite counter it out.

For now, though, I'll purposefully have a short break from rigid healthy eating, and go back to it possibly in February. There are too many restaurant deals to take advantage of. I'll still eat veg at home but it won't be my best habits in action.

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