Saturday, 30 November 2024

Roast Lamb with Apricots


A tasty recipe, but not without its challenges: how do you chop pistachios without them going everywhere? I just had to throw them in whole and cut them open once they were cooked. I think I should have shelled them, if the recipe photo is anything to go by. Also I mistakenly assumed I had mint and parsley, as I’d had them in my spice drawer for so long without using them. Turns out I’d ran out. Always check! I think I substituted with dill. 

Was supposed to take 1 hr 15. Took me 2 hrs. Oh well. I enjoyed it. Lasted a few meals.

Monday, 25 November 2024

Oldham St Bar Crawl?

Who fancies doing a few bars in the Oldham St area in Northern Quarter? Manchester Nightlife Meetup group have got you. Saturday night we’re starting at 9 in Rewind, the retro movie rental store themed bar, then taking a look at other venues like the boudoir chic Behind Closed Doors and the South African joint Chakalaka. Possibly Matt & Phred’s jazz club if we stray to other streets. Wrap up warm; this might be the last Manchester Nightlife Meetup for a while.  

Manchester Psychology Social Group is still meeting weekly in Hinterland. We now have over 150 members and 6 or so attendees at each meetup. Throughout the week there’s some good psychology chat happening on the discussions tab. If this interests you or you know anything about it, feel free to get involved, even if all you do is contribute to discussions online. 

One more thing: I need a new phone. Android, under £300, SIM-free, solid camera and battery life. Recommendations?

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Cloud 23 Meetup


This week: My Meetup group Manchester Nightlife now has more members than Manc Mates, a group I took over that had been running a while before I became an organiser. I haven’t uploaded much to it Got a follow back on Bluesky from Reece Dinsdale of ID and Emmerdale fame.

Discussed my Sing Date appearance with August Skye

Highlight was the views from Cloud 23. We had 10 people claiming to be coming – on the day, there were 3 of us. Such is Meetup.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Honey Roast Parsnips and Carrots with Quinoa and Rocket


This should have taken an hour and 10 – it for some reason took me just under 2 hours. That’s even with somehow putting the temperature 50° too high. I then only put in part of the water because, from how I’d done it, I’d have drowned the contents. Sometimes I just cannot explain what’s taking so long. I added a little feta in at the end that I had left over from the last recipe; that seemed to bring a bit of substance to it. A few chicken pieces that needed using made it more filling. I bunged them in the oven on a tray a rack below. 

Not one of my favourite recipes from Rukmini Iyer’s The Roasting Tin, tbh, but glad I ate it.  

Monday, 18 November 2024

Come to Cloud 23 with Manchester Nightlife group

Fancy seeing Manchester from a different angle? How about from 23 stories up? 

Cloud 23 is Manchester’s longest-running observatory bar, having opened in Beetham Tower in January 2013. The views and cocktails are incredible, even after dusk. Saturday night, Manchester Nightlife Meetup group are headed there, meeting first in Atlas bar at the corner of Deansgate and Whitworth St. We’ll then head to the Beetham lobby and get the lift up. There might be a queue, but the views and atmos will be well worth it. 

At the time of writing there’s already 6 attendees signed up. 

On the blog, over the next few weeks, I may also have an investigation into party drugs, a recipe review and a piece on brain injuries and MRI scans.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Kitsch Overload at the Simmons Bar Meetup

Manchester Nightlife Meetup group headed to new 80s bar Simmons on Deansgate last night. 



Gaudy, live music, brash. It’s new, so I wanted to run a meetup there. I doubt I’d be back. We then headed into Spinningfields, to Oast House and to the new – and presumably temporary – Miracle on the Avenue, a Christmas-themed bar with cheesy pop and a huge toilet queue. Spinningfields needs something a little more low-key just to balance it all out; sadly Miracle’s drinks prices are competitive, as are, I expect, their overheads. 

So yeah. My Meetup groups are growing. Another similar Manchester Meetup group closed today as the owner stepped down and no one took it over. I didn’t because it was too similar to Manc Mates, a group I took over a few months ago (and have kinda neglected). 

More Meetup ideas in the pipeline.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Bengali Popcorn Shrimp

Tried this protein snack from Rukmini Iyer’s India Express book. 

Prep time was listed as 20 mins, I did it in 21. Getting faster at first attempts. After a 1-hour marinade time, I set up a workflow with prawns, flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Then I dipped and fried a batch. The first lot needed a little longer than the 3 mins to properly crisp up, possibly due to pan / hob size. I dunno. 

Enjoyed it though!

Monday, 11 November 2024

Try the new Simmons Bar

Wednesday night: Manchester Psychology Social Group are back in Hinterland for their weekly chat on all things psychology. 

Saturday night: Manchester Nightlife are going to Simmons bar, the new venue on Deansgate in the old Botanist unit. Very 80s themed. Neon and chrome. It’s worth a look. Get involved!

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Northern Quarter Antics with Manchester Nightlife Meetup Group

Off work for a big chunk of this week. Not much exciting. Got 2 porn stars to respond to Popbitch’s Baboon vs Badger conundrum. Here’s Helena Locke: and here’s Leigh Darby:

Ran a meetup with Manchester Nightlife to Salmon of Knowledge, a new Irish bar in Stevenson Square, in the site of the old Ply unit. Not a massive Irish bar fan, but I liked the first public night. Big, spacious, tidy. A group member mentioned that someone was in the bar, someone who had come to the group and ‘was an arsehole.’ I couldn’t place who he’d mean for a few minutes until I looked across the bar. Turned out it was this particular arsehole, who kicked off because we wanted to stay in Raft and he didn’t. So, back to Salmon: he didn’t see us, as far as I know, but the team wanted to move on, so we hit Flok, Lost in Tokyo and ended in Guilty by Association, where I bumped into some old friends and had a dance off with a lesbian and won. 

A good night and furthermore a good week.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Manchester Psychology Social Group has found a home


Manchester Psychology Social Group is growing steadily. We had our third meeting on Wednesday and our second in Hinterland, vegan cafe, with food by Wholesome Junkies

Good chat. Conversation just rolled, so it was only towards the end of the meeting that I properly brought up what we want to do with the group. I showed them my ideas: helping people with sticking points, psychology themed book signings, potentially getting in guest speakers etc. I really want the group to be able to help people, without it being an actual support group – more an interest group. I’ve got people adding book recommendations on the discussions page, and ideas for discussion. Everyone I’ve met so far have been good people. 

This, for the foreseeable, will be the Wednesday night thing. We had 12 people sign up last week: 6 showed, which is a good number. There are at present 4 signed up for this Wednesday. Fancy making it 5?

Monday, 4 November 2024

Wednesday Night Psychology Chat and Eat

Taking off a chunk of Annual Leave this week. Almost over this horrendous cough. Will get back into exercise soon. 

One month to the Santa Dash. I actually booked time off to blog, but most of the blogging I wanted to do is now done, including 4 blog posts about the For the Love of Horror. They’re all live now. I’ve got 2 more recipe posts to go up, plus a third that I’m working on now. 

Manchester Psychology Social Group, my third Meetup group, grows larger every day. It’s now at over 100 members. We’re a bunch of mates with an interest in psychology, meeting to chat about science, eat and make friends. We’ve settled on Hinterland as a regular venue, a vegan alcohol-free joint in the Northern Quarter. 15 Turner St. We’ll be back there next Wednesday, 7:30pm. Cosy, warm, fair priced, healthy. If you’ve an interest in psychology and want to do something different to drinking, come see us. There’s plenty of space. I’m planning on throwing topics of discussions onto the site that might inspire conversation at the Meetups themselves. 

In other news, former UFC welterweight champ Matt Hughes liked my picture of him.

Sunday, 3 November 2024

James Duval and the Dehydrated Trip to Hinterland


Not the best of weeks. Forgot a water bottle for the gym class on Wednesday. Dehydrated myself badly. Then went to the Manchester Psychology Social Group, the second meet, this time in Wholesome Junkies in Hinterland. Drank a lot of water there, but had a cough that started to get worse. Tried to get an MOT on Thursday (day off). Failed. Booked in for more work. Called in sick Friday. Slept all day. Sleep schedule has been utter garbage ever since. Had to cancel the Saturday Meetup with Manchester Nightlife. Thankfully I’m off until next Friday anyway now. Cough subsiding. Strength replenishing. 

Recipe cooking as we speak. I have tons of Psychology Saturday posts to go up. 

Here’s a good moment from this week:

And another: