Saturday 6 August 2022

Filipino Style Garlic Pork Pot Roast


A very long, slow roast, this should have been commenced earlier in the day than I did. It’s worth the wait, though. 

The instructions in Rukmini Iyer’s Roasting Tin asks us to ‘sear’ the joint for 3 minutes each side. I put the joint in and ovened it for the 6 minutes in total, turning half way through. I didn’t know you could sear in an oven. I think of that as a frying word. But, presumably, I did it right. 

My roasting tin may be a little small, but I couldn’t fit in all the required pak choi. The recipe actually asks for ‘baby pak choi,’ which Tesco didn’t seem to have, which explains how 6 full size of these veg wouldn’t nestle in among the pork. I still need to bang the rest in a smoothie and neck them. No point them going to waste! 

Rice was added to the dish in the last 55 minutes, but my rice was still crunchy when I took it out. The meat wasn’t done either, so I moved the dish up a shelf and gave it another 20 mins. This worked, and the end result was tasty and made a change to chicken recipes. 

Recipe time was 2 hrs 50, I took 3 hrs 30. Is the delay there with my memory or my oven (that is new and I’m still learning to use?) Both, maybe?

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