Monday, 8 April 2013

Have You Used Writers In Touch?

A shot taken at a “poetry brothel”, by Neonsighs on Flickr.

A poem bared the moment to things he was not normally prepared to notice. This was the nuance of every poem, at least for him, at night, these long weeks, one breath after another, in the rotating room at the top of the triplex.

-Don DeLillo, Cosmopolis

We're a week into NaPoWriMo, a national attempt to get the masses to take up poetry. As it's already something I occasionally dabble in, I figured now is the time to focus on it. I'm going to be giving Writers In Touch a shot in hope of getting some feedback on a few poems.

The site isn't immediately user-friendly. I'm looking for a way to link to my profile so you can find me on there, but it isn't obvious. If you want to check me out there you'll have to search for my username, powerisastateofmind. Constructive critiques welcome. Unhelpful praise or straight-up slag-offs are not. Hit me up!

A warning: the poems I'm uploading to WIT are the pieces that I'm not comfortable reading out to people. i.e. all of the rude stuff. So don't expect any airy-fairy shit.

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