Monday 1 July 2024


Well, here we are, half way through 2024. I’ve got 2 burgeoning Meetup groups, more conventions planned, I’ve seen Scandinavia, met loads of celebrities, and I’ve beaten gym records that I’d been stuck on for years. I tried to give blood last week but was denied because I’d been for a run in the morning. Weird. I’ve cooked loads of exotic recipes. (More to appear on the blog soon). I’ve been to 2 conventions (another blog post is due soon), I’ve visited different cities as a result, and there are further events I’m keen to get to. 

I’m hoping people at these Meetup groups might want to get involved too. 

I ran a joint Meetup between Manchester Nightlife and Manc Mates on Friday night, starting in Counter House, and we dabbled around in the gentrified Ancoats area, eventually straying into the Northern Quarter and ending up in Guilty By Association. It was the first time I’d drank in weeks, months even, and I was a little worse for wear by the end. I enjoyed it, though. I tried to keep people updated as to where we were, so if people wanted to stay with the group they could, or they could splinter off to other bars. I’m not going to try to plait fog keeping everyone together. I just left updates on the Meetup pages.


On the issue of Manchester nightlife, Spinningfields restaurant Sakku Samba has closed after a year. This was a month ago, but they assure us they’ll be back in a different form, as relayed by the M.E.N. Also in Spinningfields, Provence has shut shop. I never got a chance to go. I also never got a chance to try iKaro, the restaurant that took over the old Panacea unit. That’s gone too. It only lasted 9 months

New burger bar SuperAwesomeDeluxe takes over the old Lono Cove unit in the Northern Quarter, (again, see M.E.N.

 Anyone for a free Wagyu steak on Tuesday night?


Also, expect part 2 of Comic Con Yorkshire ‘24 and a new fitness project. 

Who fancies doing a few Deansgate bars? This Saturday both Manchester Nightlife and Manc Mates groups are meeting in Slug & Lettuce and taking a look around the bars in that area. Might not be a massively late one but is still an opportunity to meet new people and get out and see some of Manchester.

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