Saturday 31 August 2024



From Rukmini Iyer’s The Green Roasting Tin: Escalivada, a Spanish aubergine-based veggie dish. 

Supposed to be 70 mins, took me 96. Aldi tomatoes had 5 in the pack, not the recommended 6, plus I didn’t serve with bread as I’m not eating it at the moment. Still aiming for 72kg, and I’m a long way off. I used dried basil, not fresh, as I’d never get through a packet in time on my own. Same for ground garlic granules, not garlic cloves. Thrown away enough of them. Neither the fridge nor cupboard will store them effectively. The lemon and sea salt mixture, poured over the veg, really brought out the taste. 

Really getting into veg. May have to do this recipe lark more than once a week.

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