Saturday 29 June 2024

Comic Con Fit: Review

Back in mid-May I made a plan to get fit for an upcoming Comic Con in Yorkshire, an event that took place last weekend. I’m still working on the event blog post. The fitness plan was to lose around 4+1/2 kilos in 6 weeks. That way I’d look suitably slim on camera when meeting celebs. 

I started at 75.9kg, ate a ton of soup, cooked some recipes (stay tuned for the reviews) and ended at 73.7. Shit. I had managed to get down to 72.4 at one point, but I somehow back-pedalled. I don’t think I prepped enough for lunch and ended up buying some… regrettable food in work. 

Since the 11th May, though, I’ve made a few achievements with fitness. Most notably, I’ve been attempting a series of 10-minute runs. For a long time, between 2013 and 2024, this had been my longest-standing PB. I just couldn’t get anywhere near it. Then, right at the end of January, I managed the fabled 14.2km/ph for a full 10 minutes. I’d done it. After all the excesses of Christmas, I’d turned it around. 

Since then, I’ve bashed away at running, seeing if I could improve this, burn the fat and get back into the suit trousers. The local 5.4km circuit I do helps me get some vitamin D outdoors, but I couldn’t get anywhere near a PB on that. Running at the gym, however, has come on leaps and bounds. On 11th May I’d been able to run 10 mins at 14.4km/ph. I managed to push the speed up to 14.7km/ph on the 18th June. 

Swings and roundabouts. Anyway, I’m going to take a short break from being a fitness nut, get drunk on a few meetups, get a takeaway (I’m already back up to 77.5kg) then get back on it in time for the Manchester Comic Con in July where I should be meeting Ralph from Heat / Foster dad Todd from Terminator 2, Special Agent Gibbs in Air Force One and Helen’s boyfriend Trevor in Candyman, esteemed actor Xander Berkley. I’ll also get a photo with Edward Furlong (John Connor) from Terminator 2, Alien’s Captain Dallas and Top Gun’s Viper, Tom Skerritt


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