Monday 16 September 2024

Come Play Bongo's Bingo on Saturday


On the blog: a review of the Ex Oh! Josh Wink night, some sage medical advice for depression, another recipe and soon another project re December’s Santa Dash. 

Saturday: it’s about time we got back involved with the most insane bingo game on the planet: Bongo’s Bingo! Think a standard bingo game, with added cross dressers, techno raves, fluffy unicorn (and later cash) prizes and a thousand people calling you a dickhead if you false call. It’s hilarious. 

I’ve not done it since pre-pandemic, so this Saturday shall be the reprise. Meeting in Albert’s Schloss at 11:30, we’ll then nip upstairs into Albert Hall – a renovated Wesleyan chapel – and the games will begin. 

Manchester Nightlife and Manc Mates are due to go. If you fancy giving it a shot and meeting new people, get involved! Tickets are currently £18. They may rise and they will definitely sell out. I’m buying mine tomorrow.

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