Saturday 14 September 2024

Stuffed Braised Celery


I decided to give Jamie Oliver’s recipes another shot. I’ve cooked a few of them and was never particularly bowled over by them, but was tempted to try something Mediterranean, so returned to my signed copy of Jamie Cooks Italy. I picked out Stuffed Braised Celery. I’m a fan of sausages, and I’m looking to up my veg intake, so it seemed like an interesting choice. 

A weird one. 

I was wondering if Oliver had just invented it, but it seems like it’s a traditional Tuscan recipe, according to cooking site Food52. The recipe suggested a 2 hour 20 cooking time, but it took me 3 hours 10 in total. It wasn’t easy. I forgot parts of it, including turning the stuffed celery heads half way through the cooking time. I also forgot that, during the initial oven time, there was a huge part of the instructions that I should have been following. As mentioned last week, I stick with garlic granules as whenever I buy heads of garlic, they dry up before I can use them all. But even the granules pot won’t close properly, so I had to excavate them by uncapping the pot and stabbing it with a thin knife. The recipe asks for ‘2 tins worth of water.’ As in the tins the tomatoes may have came from? Tins of… cherry tomatoes? Not punnets? Because that’s what mine came in. Each tin probably would have weighed 400g, so I used 800mls of water. 

The outcome was… okay. Given what all of the ingredients are, and their individual flavours and nutritional values, I may as well have just made bolognaise. 

I’m not doing Jamie Oliver recipes any more.

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