Sunday 15 September 2024

Lame Locks, Louisiana Lunch, Late Last Night

Friday I went to some kind of 30s-40s Singles Mingles Lock and Key event in Ark on the Locks. We were all given lanyards. The guys had keys on these lanyards, the girls had locks. Some of the keys, supposedly, opened some of the locks. When you get a match, you get a raffle ticket that gets you a chance of winning prizes, so whether you’re interested or not, the aim is still to try people’s locks and get talking to people. I never saw anyone unlock, and don’t remember any prizes being awarded. Aside from someone at the entrance to the downstairs room, where it was held, nobody seemed to be in charge. 

A lot of these dating events are pretty lacklustre and not well organised, nor are they particularly well-attended. I tried to go to one last week that was cancelled due to lack of interest.

After this a few of us went to Dirty Martini for a bit as nowhere on the Locks would have been busy for hours. 

Yesterday was the last day of trade for the Church St Markets down the side of the Arndale. In the past I’ve bought some good books from there. No luck this final time.


Then I went for food at the new Popeyes restaurant in Piccadilly Gardens as that ridiculous Olympic Workout project is over and I can, for the moment at least, eat what I want.


Last night I saw DJ Josh Wink in Exhibition. Great night. Further details to come. 

In other news, sadly Northern Quarter cafe Takk has closed. I went to a few meetups there before the pandemic. Nice Icelandic themed cafe. Sorry to see it go.

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