Sunday 8 September 2024

Deansgate Absurdity

On Instagram: discussed grammar with Aria Six, and scenes with Dharma Jones

On X: ID’s Reece Dinsdale follows me back. Star Wars’ Jimmy Vee raised a few eyebrows with some anti-refugee sentiment

Last night Manchester Nightlife meetup group did a few bars on Deansgate. Ups and downs on this night. Good night generally, starting in Slug and Lettuce, but particularly trying out the new Electric Shuffle, disco themed games bar.


Sadly one member tested our patience for the last time and kicked off because he didn’t want to stay in Raft, when the rest of us did.

He was always a difficult type. It was only a matter of time before he kicked off. He’s left the group himself. 

Sadly, there’s a very specific stereotype that’s emerging on the Meetup scene. These people have been around for at least a decade and I’m noticing them time and time again. I might get in some shit for writing this, but I’ll deal with it as and when. There are a handful of people, British born Pakistani / Bangladeshi lads, in their 20s, who have grown up in probably a strict Muslim household. They’ve moved out and got themselves a decent paying job in the city. They’re renting in some flat somewhere close to the centre. They don’t know anyone, so they’ve got onto Meetup to look for people to meet and things to do. A lot of these guys are obviously gay and in the closet. They’ve found alcohol, but because they haven’t really drank much, their tolerance is low and their ability to handle alcohol is too. So their suppressed sexuality starts to ebb through and they clumsily come on to straight guys on Meetup. (The above guy didn’t, but I can think of more than one who did that.) They're used to their community backing them up and being able to say whatever they want and get away with it. When they come to the city, it doesn't occur to them that that isn't the case here. I know at least one of these guys who rolled up to a meetup with a black eye.

Jesus Christ. 

Well, Manchester Nightlife is going to see Josh Wink next week. Should be a lot better. Join us!

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