Sunday 21 July 2013

Three Strikes: Week 34

This week I spent a full 60 minutes on the cross trainer. I tried this once back in 2011. I made a 0.09Km improvement on it this week. That'll be not eating Subway, nor Tesco Value goods, MUCH less chocolate and better sleep.

Also this week:

Comic Con. More later.

Mum's birthday. Tapas meal. Good.

Glorious sunshine. Lots of. Made the most of it, sat outside reading Junky by William S Burroughs. A Penguin Modern Classic, and deservedly so, the book follows a degenerate but surprisingly eloquent (and surprisingly married) heroin addict as he makes numerous half-hearted attempts to kick his habit. A fascinating insight into a post-war American drug underworld. The glossary at the back of the book helps to pin down junk lingo and instill a sense of culture to a gripping, wasting habit. Fascinating stuff. More so due to being first person narrated and autobiographical.

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