Saturday, 1 March 2025

Sweet Dreams are Made of Greens

Fans of 80s synth pop and, uh, spinach, will enjoy this one from Rukmini Iyer. A very green, citric dish from The Green Roasting Tin, Sweet Dreams brings together asparagus, orange pieces and avocado for a quick roast. 

I bunged in a whole 240g bag of spinach, figuring there was no point putting it to waste, as opposed to the recommended 100g. My avocados were already going off despite having a further 3 days to the use-by date. The tahini my mum had to source from some obscure Saddleworth wholefoods store as neither Aldi, Asda nor Tesco had it. I wouldn’t have had a clue where to get it. I had to guess as to how much 25g was as my scales don’t really go that small. Part of the recipe asked us to mix the ingredients to ‘the consistency of single cream’ – I guessed at this as I don’t really do cream and wouldn’t be able to distinguish single from double. I’m equally oblivious as to how I’d ‘taste and adjust’ as I’ve never tasted tahini before. Also, I could have sworn I had quinoa in my cupboard from a previous recipe. Where did that go? 

Recommended overall time was 35 mins. Took me 39. 

No too bad. It tasted okay the first time. After a reheat, the asparagus was particularly inedible and the oranges had pretty much dried out.

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