Saturday 29 September 2018

Psychology Month is Complete

I've spent the last month working on psychology- looking into confidence building, combatting memory difficulties, and challenging myself to difficult processes.

During the month I've bought a new car, cooked a few recipes and rolled into a few social events on my own, pushing myself to talk to strangers. I've spent time in NHS therapy looking at ways of relaxing in social situations, learning to stop worrying about what other people think, and making better decisions. The therapist says there's not much more she can do, I've overcome that much. I have one more session to attend.

I've made the decision to switch meds- Sertraline wasn't doing much for me, so I started on Citalopram this week. It's too early to say how it's affecting me.

I've spent a long time at the gym but have beaten no personal bests. My weight has stayed largely the same, too.

That said, I have made suggestions in some social groups for confidence-building challenges, and at least one organiser is planning to put together an event for this. I might be writing about it next Saturday. Plus I have one other #psychologysaturday blog post to upload.

I would have liked to have achieved a lot more in this month, perhaps talking to people with psychology backgrounds and performing a few group experiments maybe. But the ideas are being thrown around between Andy's Man Club, Manchester Depression, Anxiety and Bipolar Group,  and Talk About it Mate.

I'm hoping that these Saturday posts will help others in some way- either with depression, memory or confidence issues. With certain plans in place, there'll be content to offer, so hopefully they will over the coming weeks.

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