Friday 7 December 2012

Square One Studios Hits the Blogosphere

I've recently been helping out at a dynamic local sound recording facility called Square One,  “a community recording studio that provides training, services and facilities to young people, communities and local artists”.

I dabbled in voiceover work at uni back in the early naughties, and have found an opportunity to get back into using my voice- with Square One. Through dropping into the office once a week, I've had an opportunity to write copy for blog posts and Christmas cards, help to plan the launch of Square One's blog and also to write and record the voiceover to a very professional-looking video.

The Square One blog is now live and is raking in hits. 

If you know anyone in Oldham between the ages of 13-19, and they have an interest in music- be it singing, rapping, producing or playing an instrument- get in touch here and help them to get involved!

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