Monday 3 December 2012

Bricks are crumbling / Beeb don't live here any more....

The BBC have moved their Manchester operations from Broadcasting House, their 70s-built location on Oxford Road, to the glassy metropolis of Salford Quays. The old building has now been flattened to make way for a hotel and leisure complex

I stopped by the demolition site on a number of occasions over the last few months and took a few action shots (okay, just “shots”) of the former media complex. I figured it would be helpful to share these.

p.s. I have visited the new BBC building recently. No pictures, but I can tell you it is reminiscent of the office in Men in Black. Minus the aliens.


Tom Charnock said...

Funny you mention this demolition of the old BBC building - I noticed it when I went for a run around the city centre and was a little shocked to see the empty space where it once stood.

CageFightingBlogger said...

I have many a fine memory of the building- including a Northern Film Network meeting where an acting lecturer from Salford uni was presenting a gangster film he'd been in. It was a bit of a controversial film, with handheld-camera-shot sex scenes. Loads of people were offended, and this actor / lecturer was going mental at the critics. The meeting made a few local magazines, if I remember rightly. Did me or Toby ever tell you about this?