Monday, 5 November 2018

Mental Health Meet, Networking Meet, Bar Crawl Meet

As mentioned Saturday, Manchester Depression, Bipolar and Anxiety group has secured a private room for their meetings. After months of meeting in a pub, which hasn't been ideal for members who might have addiction issues, we've now found a private space for us to open up more. I'm hoping the events will go ahead, but it's worth checking the site first. Tuesday, in WeWork Spinningfields, 6-8pm. I can't tell you a great deal of what it will involve, as the meetings have been pub-based up to this point. The privacy WeWork will give us will allow for other opportunities. Come find out if you feel it would help.

Friday night is the monthly Oldhamhour Social, an opportunity for local businesses and charities to network and socialise. Plus the food and drinks in Molino Lounge are great, so even if people aren't in a sector that you're interested in, at least you can talk, get some scran and sink a few bevvies. Meet us there from 5pm onwards.

Anyone fancy a Northern Quarter bar crawl? Manchester Cool Bars is running a night out on Saturday night to some of the trendiest, newest bars in Manchester, starting in The Daisy, below Evelyn's on Tib St. there are 18 of us so far. Make it 19!

Also, looking ahead to December, The Saddleworth Round Table will be hosting the annual Santa Dash, a 5K run through Oldham's countryside dressed as Father Christmas. I'm running in it. Round Table are looking for volunteers to guide people around the course. There's a reward!

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