Monday, 29 June 2015

Prospective Mondays

I thought a weekly post detailing upcoming events might be helpful for readers, particularly in Greater Manchester. So what's going on this week?

As always, The Milton Club's Marquee night will land on Thursday. A classy-but-fun cinema-themed night of RnB music, King Kong, The Pink Panther and the odd celebrity. Pics here.

Reasonably new group Young Professionals in Manchester has meetups planned, including one to new Spinningfields restaurant The Kitchens tomorrow.

My Saturday will be busy with 3 meetups in 1 day. I'm starting at 13:45 in The Alchemist in Spinningfields with Manchester High Life for some cocktails. My final meetup with the 20s and 30s group starts at 7pm (I'll be too old next time) over in Portland St's Missoula (a good event last time I was there) which I can dive into for an hour or so. Then I'm hosting a trip to the reopening of swanky celeb haunt Bijou, starting in Sinclairs Oyster Bar. There's one space at the time of writing. Take it!

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